As of 14th December 2024, Shaman has permanently closed. Shaman opened on 14th March 2009, running for 15 years. It was never intended to be open and run as a site for others to play, and was created only for web development practice. It was opened at the request of friends, and remained a place of fantasy and escape until the last friend decided to move on.
Shaman was an important part of my world for almost half of my life and I am proud of what was achieved here. It was a place of safety and community where people found friends. It was a place where people practiced and improved their writing, coding and art skills. I got so much excitement and joy from watching my friends build their skills, it was a factor in my choosing to become a teacher.
The website's hosting and domain were renewed only a few weeks before the site's closure, so it will remain up until at least November 2025. If you are a former player reading this and would like to retrieve any information (e.g. about characters), please use the form below to get in touch before then, as there is no guarantee I'll continue to pay costs after that point.
Thank you to everyone who made this place what it was.
Signing off for the last time,